Last updated May 2021 by Lydia X. Z. Brown (sole staff member of the Fund at that time)

Condemning Israeli state terror and ongoing occupation of Palestine is a Disability Justice imperative. Settler-colonialism and occupation literally create and exacerbate disability everywhere that empire reaches. Liberation is for ALL of us.

Understand that the Deadly Exchange – shared training and resources between US police agencies and the Israeli Defense Forces – upholds, enables, and perpetuates accelerated, intensified anti-Black state violence in the US and the violence of the occupation in Palestine alike.

And understand also that the US holds no moral authority or credibility whatsoever. The US as a nation was created and born in land theft and genocide of literally hundreds of Native peoples, and grown through chattel enslavement and contemporary racialized capitalism.

The US holds and occupies colonies today – its entire land is occupied Native land, and it controls lands that it won’t even afford voting, state status in Guam, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Samoa, and Northern Mariana Islands. Of course, the US supports the Israeli state.

Disability Justice requires solidarity with all people living under colonization and occupation – whether in Palestine, Turkistan, Kashmir, Tibet, Tigray, or Oromia, or throughout Turtle Island, and Hawai’i and Borikén and Alaasikaq. We demand an end to occupation and empire!

16 May 2021