The Fund for Community Reparations for Autistic People of Color’s Interdependence, Survival, and Empowerment is committed to the principles of Disability Justice, including leadership by those most impacted, intersectionality, anti-capitalist politic, cross-movement solidarity, interdependence, collective access, and collective liberation.

We have signed on in support of many formal and informal coalitions’ campaigns for social and economic justice, including the following:

TASH’s Statement on Equal Access to Medical Treatment during COVID-19 (April 2020)

Disability Rights DC at University Legal Services’s letter urging the District of Columbia to issue policies to ensure non-discriminatory access to health care during the Covid-19 pandemic. (3 April 2020)

American Association of People with DisabilitiesDisability Priorities Coalition letter to Congressional leadership addressing inclusion of disability issues in the third package of coronavirus-related relief. (23 March 2020)

Detention Watch Network‘s #FreeThemAll organizational sign-on letter directed at ICE Acting  Director, Matthew T Albence, demanding the release of all immigrants in ICE custody given the history of medical neglect in immigrant detention that has only exacerbated  under the current COVID-19 global pandemic. (19 March 2020)

Consortium of D.C. Legal Services Providers Coalition Urges DC to Expand Protections for Low-Income Residents During Public Health Emergency (13 March 2020)